Join us as a crew member for the sail to Panama or join the vessel along the way, in Guatemala or Honduras. If off-shore sailing is not for you, or your schedule, join the vessel in Panama.We will mainly be in Kuna Yala an archipelago consisting of 365 small primitive islands in the Caribbean Sea that extends to Columbia or the Los Perlas Islands on the Pacific Coast. Our primary mission will be to join Pastor Allen Sappington with his work through Floating Bible Schools International. You will become part of the service team coming alongside of Floating Bible School's local representatives to further the gospel throughout the islands while living aboard the Worship vessel.
Removing oneself from the distractions of every day life while taking time for reflection we work along side of others to build a closer relationship with the Almighty.
We will work and help The Word of Life Church and their organization Floating Bible Schools International who's mission is to share the gospel with the people of the San Blas Islands, known as Kuna Yala or Guna Yala.
As a team we may also join other projects which may cross our path to be service to those in need.
Kuna Yala - A five day sail to Bocas Del Toro, Panama from Honduras and a few more to the San Blass Islands known as Kuna Yala. Surrounded by turquoise water, Kuna Yala is home to the Kuna people often called Guna. They live a simple lifestyle cooking mainly over fire and living in reed huts. Concrete buildings are starting to rise up as the islands prosper. They are known for their beautiful art work of molas, which is layered fabric cut and sewn to bring forth patterns and designs of local scenes. Often you will see a local travel between islands in a dug out cayuco with a gaff rig and only a few coconuts to keep them through the day, as they go out to fish or visit a neighboring island.
These islands are remote a unique experience with crystal clear waters, beautiful reefs and palm enchanted islands to explore. You will be one of the few who will have this opportunity to experience the islands, God’s beautiful creation and her people.
Panama Canal - unique in that the Pacific and Atlantic oceans are only two hours apart at the thinnest strip of land known as the Isthmus of Panama. This 50 mile long waterway connects one ocean to the other. Before the canal was completed in August 1914, ships would have to travel around the tip of South America to reach the west coast and saves them about 8,000 nautical miles.
Balboa - a modern city on the Pacific Coast, a hub to Americans and home to the Panama Canal filled with history. This area is also noted for it's orchid gardens, housing more than 400 orchid varieties.
Bocas Del Toro - An archipelago off the northern coast of Panama and an infamous surfing destination for all experience levels. Bring your surfboards so you can experience the smooth barrels and tropical conditions this area has to offer.
Panama has a very diverse landscape of mountains, canals and beaches available for excursions and side trips.
Additional fees due to extra travel expenses and accommodations will apply.
We are at war with all things that cause us or others to stumble, or not live the full, abundant, loving lives God calls us to live.
- Worship Sailing